I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2004. Since then, until this year, my health had been in a constant state of decline. A little over 1 year ago I adopted a Paleo diet. While I lost weight and felt a little better in some ways, overall my health did not really improve that much even though I was eating a very nutrient dense diet and if anything my migraine frequency increased. I recently was diagnosed with histamine intolerance and by avoiding many, but not all high histamine foods with an emphasis on nutrient dense, whole foods, my headaches and migraines have decreased for the first time in over two years. I also have more energy and less overall pain. Since there are external factors that cause mast cells to release histamine in the body such as stress and being too hot or cold, I am doing my best to mitigate those factors as well. A few months ago I added white rice to my diet, and soon I plan to add some properly prepared legumes (soaked).
This is a highly summarized post of where I am now. I don't want to dwell on the negative, but I have suffered an extreme amount of pain and fatigue. I feel I'm now working my way back to a healthier place, so I've decided to write about my progress and diet.
I wish you all the best in this world